
ASTRA Economics End of Study Stakeholder Event

Hosted by: Centre for Health Innovation and Policy (CHIP) Foundation
On behalf of ASTRA
27th Sep 2021

What is ASTRA?

Formed in 2018, ASTRA is an international group, comprising experts from six UK universities and six institutions from Bangladesh, Pakistan and India. ASTRA’s vision is to achieve a significant reduction in the burden of disease caused by smokeless tobacco (ST) in South Asia. We aim to inform policies to control the supply and demand of smokeless tobacco in South Asia.

ASTRA Economics Study

As one of the four primary studies within ASTRA, the purpose of the ASTRA-Economics study was to estimate the lifetime economic burden of ST use with respect to healthcare costs and health impacts in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Why this stakeholder event?

ASTRA research is co-created with stakeholders, thanks to their inputs in all stages of the studies. The results of the Economics study are now available but we would like relevant stakeholders to review these findings and inform the design of our dissemination strategies.

What is the agenda of the event?

This event is expected to be interactive so that stakeholder inputs can be incorporated in the final dissemination of ASTRA Economics findings.  In addition, we will ask the attendees to consider what needs to be prioritised to strengthen smokeless tobacco control in the three study countries and beyond.

Brunel University London colleagues will make a short presentation of the findings (20 min). Participants will then go to breakout rooms (one each for a country) to discuss key issues including testing of key modelling assumptions and the results (30 min). This will be followed by a plenary feedback and discussion session (20 min). In the next phase of the event, participants will be allocated to breakout rooms and asked to prioritise the aspects of the model/findings for dissemination purposes, including guidance for policy briefs (20 mins). Finally, the organisers will wrap up the event by summarising the action points and the next steps (10 mins).

How do I participate?

If you have been working in the area of health and wellbeing or more specifically, smokeless  tobacco control or are interested in ST, you may register to the event by clicking the following link (to be provided by Dr. Anne)

You will have an opportunity to offer your view points verbally during the breakout sessions or ask questions throughout the event using the chat box. In addition, you may also be asked to complete an online survey. 

Who do I contact in case of questions?

Please direct your questions to:
Ms. Anshika Chandra
Mob: +91-8510955039
Email: anshika.chip@gmail.com